Our Responsible Investment Philosophy
Fidante’s approach to ESG is centred and backed by Challenger Group’s leadership in both our Corporate Sustainability and Responsible Investment programs.
At Fidante, we believe:
- We are stewards of capital and our contribution to society is an important driver for our business and the enhancement of the performance of our customers’ investments;
- The economy is in transition to the sustainable economy. We are cognisant of the future economy into which our customers will live. We have the opportunity to make a positive difference in how that future looks through active ownership and investment activity;
- Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) issues can have a material impact on long-term investment performance;
- The integration of ESG factors into the investment process helps us and our investment managers to build a more resilient organisation that mitigates related financial and non-financial risks.
We look to partner with Managers that:
- value responsible investment and integrate ESG factors into the investment process;
- recognise their role as active stewards of capital, with engagement as core tool in their investment process to fulfil their stewardship obligations and fiduciary duty to act responsibly and exercise reasonable care and diligence.
We are committed to:
- helping our investment managers to achieve best practice ESG integration within their investment processes by providing them with tools and specialist resources
- engaging with our stakeholders and key industry bodies to advocate for our investment managers and the funds management industry on material issues that matter most to us.
Our ESG team
Our ESG team has extensive experience working with our investment teams and their clients. Our relationships and knowledge of our Managers investment processes allows us to understand their ESG beliefs and goals and to identify areas for continuous progress in integration.
We believe that the consideration of ESG risks and opportunities as part of the investment process is critical for the Group and our investment managers to build a more resilient organisation that mitigates financial and non-financial risks.
Our key material issues that form part of corporate sustainability strategy include:
- Climate Change
- Diversity & Inclusion
- Human Rights
- Our stewardship approach
When selecting our investment managers, we undertake a detailed selection process which includes an assessment of their ESG commitment and capability.
We seek to partner with investment managers who align with Fidante’s ESG values and are committed to continuous progress in ESG integration. This includes assessment of:
- ESG pravalence in asset class
- ESG process
- ESG beliefts and responsibilities
- ESG integration in investment decisions
- Onboarding and Policy creation
- 2015 - Signatory to the United Nations-backed Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI)
- 2016 - Responsible Investment Policy developed using an integrated approach to ESG
- 2017 - ESG champions appointed in investment teams
- 2018 - Appointment of Fidante ESG Specialist
- 2018 - All Investment Managers become signatories to the PRI
- 2020 - Challenger Group awarded A rating in PRI and release first Climate Change Statement
- 2020 - Challenger Group becomes a signatory to the Investors against Slavery and Trafficking Initiative (IAST)
- 2021 - Challenger Group publish first Modern Slavery Statement
- 2021 - ESG Steering Committee established
Proxy voting is a means by which Fidante’s investment managers are able to demonstrate their interest in the governance practices of companies. By exercising their right to vote, our affiliates can have an influence on the corporate governance of the companies in which they invest.
Fidante follows the PRI Principles on corporate governance and proxy voting.